Tuesday, August 16, 2011

nifty chart

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

in search of now where

I sometimes go to sleep,
with the fear that I shall sweep,
into the same swampy lake,
of thoughts that keep me awake.
My mind has wandered away like this,
many times into doom or bliss.
But today it is lost like never before,
I look at the clock, its quarter past four.
I know somebody is waiting for me,
I had promised to meet him at three.
But I won’t be able to go today,
“I’m sorry”, this is all I can say.
Please remember that you’ll always be,
the centre of my universe.
For now, my soul is not with me,
you can be angry….you are free to curse.
Walking on this nameless street,
I wonder what could it be….
that I have been searching for all day.
A left or a right….which one’s the correct way.
A twist, a turn, a corner and a lane….
well….is this the way I came??
A phase, a vein, a gush of blood and a maze….
did I just escape a very piercing gaze??
It’s already dark…but I’m not afraid,
is this really me or someone else….?
By now I know you might have gone….
I’ll meet you tomorrow for sure, at dawn.
I need to rush back home…
I am all tired and worn.
But where shall I get a cab,
I’m so bad at directions….I need a map.
What if I never find the right key….?
What if I never am what I wanna be??
It was this fatal thought that made me cringe….
feels like I am falling and I don’t have a hinge.
All of a sudden I woke up with a start,
I am glad I escaped before the bitter part.
Here, there and everywhere,
I now know this was the everlasting search of nowhere.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


If you don’t like me the way I am,
Go to hell; I don’t give a damn.
I believe in making my own ways….
I am not concerned with what Uncle Sam says.
You are free to call me a wishful thinker,
I’ll show you my fantasies were meant to twinkle.
You live like machines operated by some...body else,
I prefer living like the broaching jewels.
When will you cease this futile fuss?
Stop drifting with the “mob-rush”….
When will you walk out of the tyrant’s rule?
Or do you want to end up looking like a fool?
Life, is meant to be a montage of myriad dreams,
No matter you are grizzly, or in your teens….
Go out and be what you want to be,
Forget Uncle Sam; He does not have the key.
I can’t wither and crinkle like this,
I don’t believe in queries prior to a wish….
I don’t care if it’s a mistake and I fall,

I will never be just another brick in that wall.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

winning.....surviving..?..(read from somewhere)

Wondering why You are always left behind??
The painful, seemingly endless struggle…
Some reach the Zenith…Some barely a few steps above the bottom…
Why does this happen?
Whose fault is it anyway?
Fate, Destiny, God, Religion, Parents, Country?
Crap…its all your own!
Blame anything You Wish…
And that’s what You’ll end up doing all Your Life!
Ancestors gave us umpteen warnings,
Nature proved it time and again,
Life is but a battle…
Weak versus Strong,
Truth versus False,
Winning versus Loosing.
Struggling to find the answers…
And endless number of times…
The same old question…
“What’s the secret of success”?
As Socrates did…Go Drown yourself in water.
And when You struggle to come up…
Thats when You will alas know the Big Answer!
Just two ways…No mid-way,
Either drown deep down in the miseries of nothingness,
Or Rise…Rise high above…So the sky is Your Equal…
Tired of struggling?
Tasted Failure time and again?
Just a Look Within…
A small voice tweeting with Rock-Solid Faith…
“I Will. Everything is mine to conquer.”
For Once…Erase Boundaries,
Banish Fear…
Feel the Wind…Breathe…Live…
Bask in your own Glory…
Say a Thank –you,
For all that You have been blessed With…
Its either Now…or its Never!